Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Piper's 2 Month Update

As we all know, I am a giant slacker when it comes to making blog posts, and that hasn't gotten any better since Piper was born. Go figure. I completely forgot about posting a one month update, so I guess I will just cram both the one month and two month post together.

Piper's First Month

We spent a lot of Piper's first month cuddling. (What else would we do, right?)

She sleeps like a doll...

One of her favorite places to be is in Papa's arms...

We got a little festive and made a trip to see some baby farm animals.

Besides our trip across the country, her first month was fairly uneventful. I say that, but I don't really mean it. Of course it was eventful! So many milestones were made each and every day during that first month that it was difficult to document. I loved watching her change every day and develop such an amazing personality.

Piper's Second Month

Shortly after she turned one month old, Piper started smiling. 
At first only in her sleep...

And then all the time...

We still spend lots of time cuddling.
And Piper likes to give the camera little smirks...

She is mesmerized by the ceiling fan...

She looooves watching hunting videos with Papa :)

And she especially likes to cuddle and sleep with Papa.

(in their matching camo!)

Piper was a mummy for Halloween!

It's a terrible picture, but we were too busy getting candy to snap pics! ;)

She is happiest first thing in the morning... Bright eyed and bushy tailed!

We took some festive fall pictures...

Her second month has been so full of excitement and milestones! It is crazy to watch her grow up so fast, right before my eyes. And kind of sad, too. Not only do her features change each day, but so does her mind and attitude. She is gaining weight like a champ... she already weighs over 10 pounds and is around 21-22 inches long. I seriously cannot believe it.

She is sleeping pretty much through the night, depending on when we head to bed. But she sleeps pretty consistently for 5-6 hours straight each night, wakes up to eat really quick, and dozes right back off.

Not only is Piper smiling at everything now, but she is a jabber mouth! (Wonder where she got that from?!) ;) It is my absolute favorite thing to sit and talk to her... she will talk for 10 minutes straight. 
Here are some videos of her chatting away!

Sorry for how dark this is... but I couldn't miss this opportunity just to turn on a light!

If that doesn't make your heart melt, I'm not sure what will!

Zack and I were so blessed with the most happy and easy-going baby I have ever met. We seriously could not be luckier. I can't wait to continue updating everybody on her milestones!