Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas/Holiday Photos!

Just a quick post for now. I have been excited to get home so we could take some nice Christmas photos to make cards with. I was realllllly hoping that there would be some beautiful snow to take them in, but we ended up being lucky getting them with just a light dusting. Either way, they turned out amazing!


We were originally going to do some of just me, Zack, and Piper; but it just so happened that my mom and sister were coming to town that weekend. I thought it was a great opportunity to get some pictures of all of us girls, which we didn't have yet. I am more than pleased with how they turned out!

We got quite a few good ones, but these are some of the best. 
I quickly hopped on over to to create some holiday cards, which are nothing short of beautiful. I am so pleased with them. Hopefully they get here soon and I can get them in the mail ASAP! :)

I had a great time getting these pictures done, even though it was painfully cold and poor Piper's face was frozen. We managed to snap a few quick ones and ended up with perfect photos! 
I have to extend a huge thank you to Kate Brucie, who was the photographer. 
She is the best in the business, as far as I am concerned! :)

CA-NY Trip

Some people probably think we are insane, but hey, what's life without a little adventure... right?!

We decided to come back home for the next few months, after he did not make if off of the waiting list and into college this semester as we were hoping. He is, though, guaranteed to get in for the April semester, so we will be travelling back to California sometime around the end of March.
I am truly so thankful and happy that we are able to make all of these trips, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to it being over for a while. I just can't wait to finally be settled.
Piper was a wonderful traveler, just as we knew she would be. She slept the majority of the time, which was helpful for us to just move right along. We made it from California to New York in 43 hours, which isn't too bad for only having two drivers. Not to mention, Zack did almost all of the driving. I drove straight through Nebraska for about 8 hours. Not that impressive. 
We got this wonderful mirror so that we could keep tabs on Piper in the back, and let me tell you, it served its purpose, and more! It had a light that we could turn on and off, which made it great for monitoring her in the middle of the night. You can see it here.
We had to keep readjusting it because she is such a peanut,
but all in all, it was amazing!
We basically only stopped for gas and food, occasionally. We did decide to make a last minute pits-stop at Cabella's in a state that I am actually unsure of at the moment. One of the "I" ones, I think. We all loved it! Piper was completely entranced in the animal displays...

After that little stop, we spent the rest of the time on the road, eager to get home. We ended up making it in around 3 am, and we were exhausted, to say the least.

Here are some shots of the drive through states. At least, the ones we went through when it was light out!

Nevada (clearly ^)

Utah-- the prettiest!
And that was basically our trip. Short, sweet, and to the point. And may I just say, we kicked ass doing it!