Friday, December 13, 2013

Christmas/Holiday Photos!

Just a quick post for now. I have been excited to get home so we could take some nice Christmas photos to make cards with. I was realllllly hoping that there would be some beautiful snow to take them in, but we ended up being lucky getting them with just a light dusting. Either way, they turned out amazing!


We were originally going to do some of just me, Zack, and Piper; but it just so happened that my mom and sister were coming to town that weekend. I thought it was a great opportunity to get some pictures of all of us girls, which we didn't have yet. I am more than pleased with how they turned out!

We got quite a few good ones, but these are some of the best. 
I quickly hopped on over to to create some holiday cards, which are nothing short of beautiful. I am so pleased with them. Hopefully they get here soon and I can get them in the mail ASAP! :)

I had a great time getting these pictures done, even though it was painfully cold and poor Piper's face was frozen. We managed to snap a few quick ones and ended up with perfect photos! 
I have to extend a huge thank you to Kate Brucie, who was the photographer. 
She is the best in the business, as far as I am concerned! :)

CA-NY Trip

Some people probably think we are insane, but hey, what's life without a little adventure... right?!

We decided to come back home for the next few months, after he did not make if off of the waiting list and into college this semester as we were hoping. He is, though, guaranteed to get in for the April semester, so we will be travelling back to California sometime around the end of March.
I am truly so thankful and happy that we are able to make all of these trips, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to it being over for a while. I just can't wait to finally be settled.
Piper was a wonderful traveler, just as we knew she would be. She slept the majority of the time, which was helpful for us to just move right along. We made it from California to New York in 43 hours, which isn't too bad for only having two drivers. Not to mention, Zack did almost all of the driving. I drove straight through Nebraska for about 8 hours. Not that impressive. 
We got this wonderful mirror so that we could keep tabs on Piper in the back, and let me tell you, it served its purpose, and more! It had a light that we could turn on and off, which made it great for monitoring her in the middle of the night. You can see it here.
We had to keep readjusting it because she is such a peanut,
but all in all, it was amazing!
We basically only stopped for gas and food, occasionally. We did decide to make a last minute pits-stop at Cabella's in a state that I am actually unsure of at the moment. One of the "I" ones, I think. We all loved it! Piper was completely entranced in the animal displays...

After that little stop, we spent the rest of the time on the road, eager to get home. We ended up making it in around 3 am, and we were exhausted, to say the least.

Here are some shots of the drive through states. At least, the ones we went through when it was light out!

Nevada (clearly ^)

Utah-- the prettiest!
And that was basically our trip. Short, sweet, and to the point. And may I just say, we kicked ass doing it!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Piper's 2 Month Update

As we all know, I am a giant slacker when it comes to making blog posts, and that hasn't gotten any better since Piper was born. Go figure. I completely forgot about posting a one month update, so I guess I will just cram both the one month and two month post together.

Piper's First Month

We spent a lot of Piper's first month cuddling. (What else would we do, right?)

She sleeps like a doll...

One of her favorite places to be is in Papa's arms...

We got a little festive and made a trip to see some baby farm animals.

Besides our trip across the country, her first month was fairly uneventful. I say that, but I don't really mean it. Of course it was eventful! So many milestones were made each and every day during that first month that it was difficult to document. I loved watching her change every day and develop such an amazing personality.

Piper's Second Month

Shortly after she turned one month old, Piper started smiling. 
At first only in her sleep...

And then all the time...

We still spend lots of time cuddling.
And Piper likes to give the camera little smirks...

She is mesmerized by the ceiling fan...

She looooves watching hunting videos with Papa :)

And she especially likes to cuddle and sleep with Papa.

(in their matching camo!)

Piper was a mummy for Halloween!

It's a terrible picture, but we were too busy getting candy to snap pics! ;)

She is happiest first thing in the morning... Bright eyed and bushy tailed!

We took some festive fall pictures...

Her second month has been so full of excitement and milestones! It is crazy to watch her grow up so fast, right before my eyes. And kind of sad, too. Not only do her features change each day, but so does her mind and attitude. She is gaining weight like a champ... she already weighs over 10 pounds and is around 21-22 inches long. I seriously cannot believe it.

She is sleeping pretty much through the night, depending on when we head to bed. But she sleeps pretty consistently for 5-6 hours straight each night, wakes up to eat really quick, and dozes right back off.

Not only is Piper smiling at everything now, but she is a jabber mouth! (Wonder where she got that from?!) ;) It is my absolute favorite thing to sit and talk to her... she will talk for 10 minutes straight. 
Here are some videos of her chatting away!

Sorry for how dark this is... but I couldn't miss this opportunity just to turn on a light!

If that doesn't make your heart melt, I'm not sure what will!

Zack and I were so blessed with the most happy and easy-going baby I have ever met. We seriously could not be luckier. I can't wait to continue updating everybody on her milestones!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Birth Story!

Welcome Piper Ella Inez Gallipeau!

Born on September 16th, at 12:11 pm. 7 pounds, 18.75 inches. 
pure perfection

So, I'm finally back to posting after being on a hiatus for quite a few weeks. The last post that I made was my 38 weeks post. The day that Piper was born, I was actually 39 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I was planning on taking my 39 week chalkboard picture on Tuesday (the day after she ended up being born). So, unfortunately I do not have any pictures of that. Ironically, though, the chalkboard had: "39 weeks" with an "eviction notice" on it. Apparently she took that seriously! :)

And now, for the birth story...
(Be forewarned, I am sharing almost every single detail about the birth... some of which could be considered a bit graphic for some. So, read at your own risk :) )

I had been having contractions here and there for several weeks prior to her arrival, but they were always braxton hicks. Once Cameron and Falon arrived to NY (I was 39 weeks to the day when they arrived) I knew that we were good to go and was hoping that she would be born soon after. Because I knew that we were going to be leaving NY and driving to CA in just over 3 weeks, I was hoping that she would make an appearance sooner rather than later. I wanted to be sure that I had plenty of time to heal before making such a long trip.
I tried a few things here and there to try to motivate her to come out, but she was not budging. On  the night of the 15th, I decided that we should try some pressure points. We just used the simple ones on my feet and ankles, not really expecting much to happen. In a lot of what I read, women were saying that they starting contracting while they were pushing the pressure points and went into labor shortly after... so that was what I was expecting if anything were to happen. We did it for about 10 minutes or so with absolutely no luck. At that point I was frustrated and my thumbs were sore. I had not started contracting at all and I decided I just wanted to go to bed. "She is stubborn, just like her parents, and she will come when she wants" I thought, and we went to bed shortly after.
At 2 o'clock in the morning I woke up to go to the bathroom quickly and then headed back to bed. Usually I could fall right back to sleep after going to the bathroom but for some reason, this time I could not. I was tossing and turning and could not seem to get comfortable. I laid in bed for an hour or so and at three o'clock they started... the contractions started! Zack was sleeping and because I knew that we were going to have a long day ahead of us, I decided to let him sleep. I headed to the bathroom and started a very hot bath. In hopes that the bath would make me more comfortable, I tried it out. No luck. I was more comfortable in bed. So I went back to the bedroom. When I started timing the contractions they were averaging 9-10 minutes apart. So I just rode it out. Every 9 minutes another one came. And another one. And another one. (Even though it felt more like 3 minutes)
At this point I was up moving around because the bed was no longer comfortable. I went to the bathroom to sit on the toilet. Then moved to the couch. And then back to the bed. And back to the couch. It was frustrating, to say the least. Zack woke up around this time but I told him to go back to bed and get some more rest. Then the contractions went from 9 minutes apart to 5-6 minutes apart. This was when I first called Monica, my midwife.
--- Let me add: I had mentally prepared myself to be in labor all day long, mainly because it was my first baby. Even after they jumped from 9 minutes apart to 6 minutes apart, I still thought it would be quite a while before anything was happening. ---
I called Monica at 6:15, so I had been contracting for about 3 hours at this point. I let her know what was going on, and then she said the dreaded words. She said, "Okay, that sounds great. I am at another birth right now". My heart sank. I immediately started crying, but I tried to hold my composure. She expected the birth that she was at to go really quickly and then planned to head my way. We decided to keep each other updated and just go with the flow. Then, I called my mom. Because she was nearly 2 hours away, I made sure that she was the first person that I contacted. When I called her and everyone else, I told them to take their time, not to rush. Like I said, I expected this to take all day.
Within about an hour my contractions went from 6 minutes to 2 or 3 minutes apart. I finally went in to get Zack because I needed a hand to squeeze. I texted Monica to let her know that they were so close together and she called me right back and told me that she was on her way to my house. She contacted the nurse, whose name was also Megan, and she was the first to arrive. Megan walked in and the first thing that she did was crank the heat up. And it was unbearable. Then she took my vitals, got the bedroom set up, and just kind of worked through the contractions with me. By 8 or 8:30, Monica and everybody else had arrived. That was right about when I transitioned, and the hard labor began. I won't lie... it sucked. The boys went right to work filling up the birthing tub with hot water while the girls all stayed by my side in the living room, working through contraction after contraction.

Once the tub was filled up I decided that that was where I wanted to be. So, we headed to the birth room and I got in the tub. I labored in the tub for quite a while (I honestly couldn't even tell you how long). After that long while in the tub, and lots of loud screaming, both Monica and Megan could tell that I wasn't really progressing like I should be. I had hit a wall. So they told me to get out of the tub and head to the bathroom to try to pee. At the time I had no idea why they were telling me to go to the bathroom. I was in a trance and basically just following orders and trusting both mine and my child's life in these women's hands. Literally.

I waddled into the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. And then I felt it. I reached down and I could feel her head. All I remember from that moment is feeling terrified that I would have my baby in the toilet and yelling, "I don't want to do this here!". The next part is pretty much a blur... Zack grabbed one leg and one arm, and Cameron grabbed the other side and they literally carried me into the bedroom and laid me on the bed. From that point, the labor went extremely fast. Before I knew it, her head was making its way out and everybody was saying, "She's got a lot of hair!".
I got to the point where I said, "I don't want to do this anymore!" and I knew that she was almost here. Monica said that she would be born in 10 or less pushes. She was right, it was less than ten. It took maybe four or five pushes to get her head completely out, and once her head was out, my contraction stopped. I asked if it was okay that only her head was out, and Monica simply said, "It's okay, just take a break". (Meanwhile, everybody is telling me how beautiful she was.) I took a quick break, waited for my next contraction to build up, and the rest of her was out before I knew it. I reached down and pulled her right up onto my chest and I just remember crying. She barely made a peep when she came out, just a little whimper. Monica wiped off her face and after a minute or so she decided to test her little lungs out by crying. Within minutes of being born she had her eyes open and even lifted her head up to look around. It was amazing. She was so perfect.

Monica stayed for the next hour or two, getting everything cleaned up and situated. We weighed and measured her, and we tried to start breastfeeding. She didn't really catch on with the nursing right away, and I won't lie, I was a little nervous. But Monica reassured me that it was normal and she would be fine if she didn't nurse for the first day or two. So, we kept trying, and although it was tiring and frustrating, she caught on a little bit more every time. Megan stayed even longer, continuing to get our vitals and make sure that both of us were recovering properly from the birth. Once she felt that we were both okay, she left.
The house was still blazing hot but we headed out into the livingroom and cuddled on the couch. Falon made me some delicious waffles and everybody just hung out for the rest of the day. It was the perfect day and I could not have asked for anything better.

I can not express how incredibly happy, thankful, amazed, and grateful I am that we were able to have the homebirth that we wanted and planned. It was no easy feat, but I could not image doing it any other way. We are truly blessed. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013

38 weeks!

holy crap, all I can say is that I am SO READY to get this baby out!

How far along? 38 weeks! I'M SO READY.
Total weight gain?  45 pounds, still. Didn't gain anything this week... Monica says it's because I'm not swelling anymore, so it is a good thing! :)
Maternity Clothes? Absolutely.
Stretch Marks? Nope!
Sleep? It's getting more and more challenging. I was kept up all night long, last night, with contractions. Boo!
Best moment this week? Buying our new van, for sure! Now we really feel like parents ;)
Miss anything? At this point, I'm content because I just want to meet this baby!
Movement? Still going strong!
Food Cravings? I just want a cannoli. 
Anything making you feel sick? Anytime I am hungry I get incredibly nauseous. 
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Eveything except the real thing... what the heck, baby!?
Symptoms: Just plain uncomfortable.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.. I think we can make it all the way!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Her arrival which I am hoping will be happening within the next few days!

You're more than welcome to make your appearance anytime, now, baby girl! We are all looking forward to meeting you! (Especially Mama!)

Friday, September 6, 2013

37 weeks!

How far along? 37 weeks! FULL TERM, BABY!
Total weight gain?  45 freaking pounds!
Maternity Clothes? Absolutely.
Stretch Marks? Nope!
Sleep? Loving it!
Best moment this week? Baby appointment, and chiropractor appointment! 
Miss anything? Being able to stand without my feet swelling to the size of Russia.
Movement? She is pretty jam-packed in there, but still moving quite a bit. 
Food Cravings? Nothing that I can think of, in particular.
Anything making you feel sick? Not really..
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Contractions, Contractions, Contractions... they never end.
Symptoms: Pitting edema in my feet and all up my legs :(
Wedding rings on or off? On... I'm not sure for how much longer, though. 
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: The next two weeks... and family getting here!

So, as I mentioned above.. I have got some killer pitting edema in my feet, ankles, and all the way up my legs. I was sent home early from work the other day because of how bad it had gotten, and then was told by Monica that I was all done with work until baby girl gets here... So I am stuck at home on bed rest, but with limited exercise. Luckily, we got everything pretty much ready for the birth before I was put on bed rest, so I am feeling a little bit better about that, at least. 

We went and got the last little bit of  clothes and other accessories for our sweet girl, just to make sure we are totally covered... surprisingly, we did not have very much newborn stuff for her. And, as much as people say that they don't fit in NB sizes for very long.. I have a feeling that she will be a teeny tiny little thing, therefore fitting into it for just a bit longer than a little bit larger baby. Who knows, though. She could come out and be 8 pounds. HAHA, who am I kidding?

The next two weeks will be trying for me, especially because I am limited to the activities that I am allowed to do. I go stir crazy being forced to stay in bed with my feet up... but I am trying to find some good activities to keep my mind busy. I am hoping that she will make her entrance here in about a week!

But, for now, we wait....

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Maternity Pictures

A few days ago we had our maternity pictures done and I am so in love with all of them. It was a really fun experience, and they turned out so beautifully!

All credit for these pictures goes to Kate Brucie. Check out all of her photos on her website and add her on facebook

36 weeks!

36 weeks means that we only have one month left! It doesn't seem real... we are so close, now.

How far along? 36 weeks!
Total weight gain?  45 freaking pounds!
Maternity Clothes? Absolutely.
Stretch Marks? Not on the belly, yet.
Sleep? With how exhausted I've been lately, it hasn't been a problem. ZzZzZzZz
Best moment this week? Last Baby Shower and Maternity Pictures :) 
Miss anything? Being able to put shoes on (other than flip flops), being able to bend without ripping my pants (yea, that's right, I did that at work....), not feeling like I am 150 degrees at all times.
Movement? She has really started to slow down with her movements.. definitely not as active as she has been in the past, but she is still moving around.
Food Cravings? Ick, nothing. Too hot to feel hungry.
Anything making you feel sick? Nothing specifically, but I'm starting to get really nauseous again, lately.
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? B-H Contractions every day!
Symptoms: Swollen feet and ankles and very very sore legs.
Wedding rings on or off? On... I'm not sure for how much longer, though. 
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: The weeks to come!

It's amazing how fast this pregnancy has gone and scary to me that we really only have less than a month (hopefully, unless she decides to be stubborn and stay in there extra long) left in this pregnancy. It has been so wonderful, and although I sound like a giant complainer most of the time... I really have loved being pregnant! Everybody told me that the last few weeks are definitely the hardest and I am seeing that is incredibly true. Especially in this 90 degree weather :( But, she will be here before we know it and this entire experience will be more than worth it! <3

As I am entering the last little bit of my pregnancy I have really started to cut back on the hours that I work. While we can't necessarily afford for me to stop working all together quite yet, it has been necessary for me to cut back A LOT. Because my job is so physically demanding most days, when I get home at the end of the day, I am pooped; and it generally takes me a few days to recover. I'm doing my best not to push my body and exhaust myself completely, because I really want to be prepared for this little baby's arrival, which could technically be any day! Just let that sink in. I am thinking that within the next week and a half to two weeks I will be completely done working, and use that little bit of time between then and her due date to really relax and prepare myself, both mentally and physically, for her arrival.

We did the last of the shopping for our home birth and gathered all of the supplies necessary to make it a great experience. Now, I can honestly say that we are READY and she is welcome to come any time she wants... even though I would like her to stay in there for a few more weeks!

We also got our maternity pictures done a few days ago, and they turned out absolutely beautiful. It was a wonderful experience and I could not be happier with how they turned out. I will share those in the next post!