Thursday, September 12, 2013

38 weeks!

holy crap, all I can say is that I am SO READY to get this baby out!

How far along? 38 weeks! I'M SO READY.
Total weight gain?  45 pounds, still. Didn't gain anything this week... Monica says it's because I'm not swelling anymore, so it is a good thing! :)
Maternity Clothes? Absolutely.
Stretch Marks? Nope!
Sleep? It's getting more and more challenging. I was kept up all night long, last night, with contractions. Boo!
Best moment this week? Buying our new van, for sure! Now we really feel like parents ;)
Miss anything? At this point, I'm content because I just want to meet this baby!
Movement? Still going strong!
Food Cravings? I just want a cannoli. 
Anything making you feel sick? Anytime I am hungry I get incredibly nauseous. 
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Eveything except the real thing... what the heck, baby!?
Symptoms: Just plain uncomfortable.
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.. I think we can make it all the way!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Her arrival which I am hoping will be happening within the next few days!

You're more than welcome to make your appearance anytime, now, baby girl! We are all looking forward to meeting you! (Especially Mama!)

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