Thursday, May 30, 2013

23 weeks!

Man, I am a total slacker. Hopefully I haven't left too many of you guys hanging... life has been completely insane these past two weeks. I am working almost every day and all I have time to do when I am home is sleep. So, please forgive me.

Baby girl is growing, that's for sure! 

How far along? 23 weeks!
Total weight gain? If the scale at work is right, about 17 pounds.
                                             (But I'm not counting on that being very accurate.)
Maternity Clothes? Yes.
Stretch Marks? No!
Sleep? When I get a chance. With frequent interruptions, though.
Best moment this week? Realizing how much my belly has really grown since last week.
Miss anything? I won't be a complainer this week :)
Movement? Still very frequent movements, but they are beginning to feel different.
She is getting squished in there!
Food Cravings? Orange Juice, always! Frozen Strawberry Lemonades!
Anything making you feel sick? Nothing at all.
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Negative.
Symptoms: Exhaustion & sore legs.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy girl!
Looking forward to: My belly button popping out... I'm beginning to think it never will!

Here is something worth chuckling at... Belly comparison from when I found out at 5 weeks, and what I looked like this week at 23. Holy Moly! You don't really realize how much your body has changed until you compare them side-by-side. And I still have 17 weeks to go!

Hopefully I will be posting the 24 week post within a few days and then I will be back on track! 

At 23 weeks, baby is the size of a grapefruit!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

22 weeks!

Sorry this post is a little delayed.. I can't seem to keep up with anything lately!
I don' believe that there has been anything too new and exciting going on since last week. I've been keeping busy with work and other things (ok... mainly work) and baby girl has been keeping me busy, staying active all day and night long. I'm lucky that I am so incredibly tired by the end of the day that her middle of the night kicks don't effect me... yet. 
She is definitely growing in there, though. Each day I wake up I can tell that my belly has gotten bigger overnight. Not significantly larger (I still haven't "popped" :( ), but it is noticeable to me. Maybe because I can feel that I am getting larger... who knows. 
The heat has not been my friend the past week or so. I was really hoping that because I am such a naturally cold person when I'm not pregnant, that it would stick with me and I would have a comfortable pregnancy this summer. NOPE! I can barely take the heat and the humidity. And I won't go on much further so I don't sound like a huge whiner, but all I can say is that this summer is going to be difficult and I am going to need a pool. And an air conditioner. Gotta love that air conditioning. (Never thought I would say that!)

For my 22 week chalkboard picture I decided to switch it up a bit from the normal size comparison and go with CRAVINGS! There are so many, honestly, I couldn't even fit them on the board. I just love food. I am very lucky that this baby is not picky-- I can pretty much eat anything and it satisfies us both. :) 

The big one I forgot (I must have been really distracted to have forgotten this one) is PANCAKES. I can't explain how often I think about and want pancakes. And, unfortunately, our stove doesn't like us, so pancakes are a no-go in this house! Luckily for me, though, my husband is an amazing waffle maker, and he spoils me with giant fluffy waffles with jam and syrup. What more is a girl to ask for?!
(I can't believe I just wrote a whole paragraph on pancakes...)

I went to another Chiropractor appointment yesterday, which is slowly but surely helping with my awful sciatica pain. The pain does return shortly after my visits, but I am learning how to take care of it myself and hopefully tame it enough so that it is bearable throughout the rest of the pregnancy. Lots of stretching, and learning to balance my weight are the keys to helping with the pain. Hopefully I can find something, anything to help.

The picture above was taken on Friday-- and this picture (below) was taken on Saturday or Sunday. Maybe my belly did blow up overnight, because it looks incredibly tiny in the top picture, compared to this one. 

I like the rare occasion that I get to dress up for work, instead of wearing my scrubs. Even though none of my clothes fit me anymore, work or casual. I was really hoping that I could get away with wearing a lot of my old summer clothes, and after going through them all a few weeks ago, I learned that that was not going to be an option :(. I have been slowly but surely grabbing some maternity (and some non-maternity) clothes for the summer, and by clothes I mean mainly dresses. Dresses and skirts seem to be the only thing that helps me tolerate this heat, so when I see one I like, I grab it like it's goin' out of style. (even if it is!)

(I really wish my full length mirror wasn't 
directly in front of my trash can.)

Yesterday, because I had to go to my chiropractor appointment, which is all the way in Ithaca, I decided that I was going to spend the day in town, because I had never been before. I had always wanted to go, but never really had a real reason to go and hang out there. I really didn't want to make the hour long drive to Ithaca for a 15-20 minute appointment, and then drive all the way back. So, I brought along a friend and we spent a good chunk of the day checking out all of the cool baby/kid stores. I would say that we had a pretty successful (and fun!) day!

Alright, back to baby-related news...

How far along? 22 weeks!
Total weight gain? I honestly haven't weighed myself.
Maternity Clothes? Yes.
Stretch Marks? Negative
Sleep? Like a rock.
Best moment this week? Seeing how big my belly is getting, each day!
Miss anything? Not feeling like I am going to die of heat exhaustion.
Movement? All day, every day! Baby acrobat!
Food Cravings? Refer to above picture... & paragraph about pancakes.
Anything making you feel sick? No, thank goodness!
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? nope.
Symptoms: back and leg pain!
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Generally, pretty happy!
Looking forward to: This belly popping! Come on little baby!

At 22 weeks, baby is the length of a Spaghetti Squash!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy mothers day to all the mamas out there! I hope everyone enjoys their day!

Friday, May 10, 2013

21 weeks!

Not too much new or interesting this week. We went for a baby appointment with Monica on Tuesday and had a normal check up, where we discussed the ultrasound and how everything was 100% perfect and where it needed to be. Always great news to hear :)
I also went to the chiropractor on Tuesday and she helped me out a lot with my sciatica pain and overall back pain. I feel great after having gone to see her, and I have to return in two weeks so she can check up on how I'm doing.
21 week picture!

How far along? 21 weeks!
Total weight gain? 7 pounds, give or take.
Maternity Clothes? Usually!
Stretch Marks? Nope!
Sleep? Love it!!!
Best moment this week? Going to the chiropractor... ahhh :)
Miss anything? Not having to get up in the middle of the night to pee :(
Movement? She never stops!
Food Cravings? Chocolate milk, regular milk...
Anything making you feel sick? Nope
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? nope.
Symptoms: cramps, peeing every 5 seconds, leaky boobs... ugh.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: These next few weeks and hopefully by belly button filling out! :o

Love to all!
Megan, Zack, and Baby Gallipeau :)

Saturday, May 4, 2013

20 weeks!

Alright, here we are! The most awaited 20 weeks/gender reveal post!
At 20 weeks, not much has changed. My belly is continuing to get bigger every day, and the baby never stops moving! We went to get our ultrasound on April 30th, and I was 19 weeks, 4 days along. She started by doing the regular ultrasound and then would flip between the regular and 3D/4D images when she found a good angle. We ended up with lots of great pictures of our little peanut! :) We planned on that being our only ultrasound until the very end of the pregnancy, so we are really happy with the way it turned out. I warned the tech that the baby never stopped moving, and that didn't change during the ultrasound. There was lots of flipping, and kicking, and we even got a little wave! It was a really fun experience for the both of us.
Now, onto the part that everybody really cares about... drumroll please...
Baby Gallipeau is a GIRL!

We were really excited to find out that we are going to have a beautiful baby girl in just another 20 weeks. It is nice to be able to finally start calling the baby a "her" instead of "it". (I always felt bad doing that!) Here are some of our pictures from the ultrasound.

This is one of my favorites... the entire profile shot.

This is one of the 2D/3D shots that they got of the side of her head. She had her arm up by her face the majority of the time, and the umbilical cord was in the way some of the time, as well.

This is my favorite of all of the photos we got. She has the most beautiful little face! Zack thinks she looks like me... one thing is for sure, she is a dainty little thing. :) I have also heard from a few different people that it looks like she has hair, and now that they mention it, I can see her little hairline in the 3D pictures. How funny!

How far along? 20 weeks! Halfway there!!!
Total weight gain? About 5 pounds, still.
Maternity Clothes? Most of the time, yes.
Stretch Marks? Nada.
Sleep? Always, when I can, that is :)
Best moment this week? Our ultrasound... it was so amazing to see her!
Miss anything? Being comfortable.
Movement? All day, every day!
Food Cravings? Popcicles, chocolate, and milk.
Anything making you feel sick? Nothing :)
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? nope.
Symptoms: Itchy belly and back pain.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Hearing the reactions from friends and family. And our upcoming baby appointment.

At 20 weeks, baby is the size (length) of a banana!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

19 weeks!

I am almost a week behind but I wanted to get this up here before I post the new one tomorrow (or, let's be honest, whenever I manage to get around to it. But, tomorrow would be nice!)
There isn't too much new information to share this week, from two weeks ago. Still feeling the baby move all the time, still feeling the back pain associated with the pregnancy, and still loving every minute of it! SO, without further ado,we shall move on with the post.

As you can see, my wonderful husband finished the chalkboard that he was working on for me... but we decided that it was more of a pain in the butt than we wanted it to be, because it wasn't an entirely smooth surface. So, I decided to just order a chalkboard wall decal online and it seems to be working much better thus far. I really need new chalk, though. This crap that I bought just will not suffice for all of my fun drawing and lettering plans! :)
Onto baby....

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain? About 5 pounds.
Maternity Clothes? Yes and no.
Stretch Marks? Noooope.
Sleep? It's my favorite!
Best moment this week? The Ultrasound! (More about that in next weeks post!)
Miss anything? Not having back pain, constantly.
Movement? All day, every day.
Food Cravings? Orange juice!
Anything making you feel sick? Feeling hungry, that's it.
Gender? It's still a secret ;) (until next post, that is!)
Labor Signs? nuh uh.
Symptoms: Stretching skin, causing the itchies and tender belly.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Revealing what our beautiful baby is, to everyone...

At 19 weeks, baby was the size of a mango!

Next post you can look forward to: 20 weeks post, AND the gender of Baby Gallipeau!