Thursday, May 2, 2013

19 weeks!

I am almost a week behind but I wanted to get this up here before I post the new one tomorrow (or, let's be honest, whenever I manage to get around to it. But, tomorrow would be nice!)
There isn't too much new information to share this week, from two weeks ago. Still feeling the baby move all the time, still feeling the back pain associated with the pregnancy, and still loving every minute of it! SO, without further ado,we shall move on with the post.

As you can see, my wonderful husband finished the chalkboard that he was working on for me... but we decided that it was more of a pain in the butt than we wanted it to be, because it wasn't an entirely smooth surface. So, I decided to just order a chalkboard wall decal online and it seems to be working much better thus far. I really need new chalk, though. This crap that I bought just will not suffice for all of my fun drawing and lettering plans! :)
Onto baby....

How far along? 19 weeks
Total weight gain? About 5 pounds.
Maternity Clothes? Yes and no.
Stretch Marks? Noooope.
Sleep? It's my favorite!
Best moment this week? The Ultrasound! (More about that in next weeks post!)
Miss anything? Not having back pain, constantly.
Movement? All day, every day.
Food Cravings? Orange juice!
Anything making you feel sick? Feeling hungry, that's it.
Gender? It's still a secret ;) (until next post, that is!)
Labor Signs? nuh uh.
Symptoms: Stretching skin, causing the itchies and tender belly.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Revealing what our beautiful baby is, to everyone...

At 19 weeks, baby was the size of a mango!

Next post you can look forward to: 20 weeks post, AND the gender of Baby Gallipeau!

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