Saturday, May 4, 2013

20 weeks!

Alright, here we are! The most awaited 20 weeks/gender reveal post!
At 20 weeks, not much has changed. My belly is continuing to get bigger every day, and the baby never stops moving! We went to get our ultrasound on April 30th, and I was 19 weeks, 4 days along. She started by doing the regular ultrasound and then would flip between the regular and 3D/4D images when she found a good angle. We ended up with lots of great pictures of our little peanut! :) We planned on that being our only ultrasound until the very end of the pregnancy, so we are really happy with the way it turned out. I warned the tech that the baby never stopped moving, and that didn't change during the ultrasound. There was lots of flipping, and kicking, and we even got a little wave! It was a really fun experience for the both of us.
Now, onto the part that everybody really cares about... drumroll please...
Baby Gallipeau is a GIRL!

We were really excited to find out that we are going to have a beautiful baby girl in just another 20 weeks. It is nice to be able to finally start calling the baby a "her" instead of "it". (I always felt bad doing that!) Here are some of our pictures from the ultrasound.

This is one of my favorites... the entire profile shot.

This is one of the 2D/3D shots that they got of the side of her head. She had her arm up by her face the majority of the time, and the umbilical cord was in the way some of the time, as well.

This is my favorite of all of the photos we got. She has the most beautiful little face! Zack thinks she looks like me... one thing is for sure, she is a dainty little thing. :) I have also heard from a few different people that it looks like she has hair, and now that they mention it, I can see her little hairline in the 3D pictures. How funny!

How far along? 20 weeks! Halfway there!!!
Total weight gain? About 5 pounds, still.
Maternity Clothes? Most of the time, yes.
Stretch Marks? Nada.
Sleep? Always, when I can, that is :)
Best moment this week? Our ultrasound... it was so amazing to see her!
Miss anything? Being comfortable.
Movement? All day, every day!
Food Cravings? Popcicles, chocolate, and milk.
Anything making you feel sick? Nothing :)
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? nope.
Symptoms: Itchy belly and back pain.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Hearing the reactions from friends and family. And our upcoming baby appointment.

At 20 weeks, baby is the size (length) of a banana!

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