Sunday, June 23, 2013

27 weeks!

Sorry that I was a little behind on last week's post, but this one is real-time and now I can officially say I am caught up. (On all things baby related, that is.) Not much has differed from last week... still feeling very uncomfortable, and I have come to the realization that baby girl has just set up camp in my ribs and most likely will not be moving until she is ready to come out. I am sometimes able to kind of massage her down from the one spot, but within a few minutes she gets right back up in there. As long as she is comfortable, I guess! :) I do have the feeling, though, that she is going to be a long baby. (Not surprising, look at her father...) When she moves, I can feel her all the way down in my pelvis, and all the way up in my ribs at the same time. Needless to say, she is stretching out and taking up as much room as she possibly can in there. Lord knows that she doesn't have much, me being so tiny, myself.
Despite the pain and uncomfortableness (is that a word?!) I truly do enjoy being pregnant. It is the most incredibly feeling, knowing that I am responsible for this sweet little baby's life and well being, and my body is the one that is going to nourish her until she is ready to come out and meet everybody. It is the most unreal and amazing thing to feel and now watch her move all around, each day. As much as I just want to meet her already, I am doing my best to cherish every wonderful moment that I get to have with just her and myself. :)

How far along? 27 weeks!
Total weight gain? Again, I haven't weighed myself, but I wouldn't be surprised if I was at the 20 pounds mark already.
Maternity Clothes? Certainly.
Stretch Marks? None, yet!
Sleep? As much as I possibly can! (Might as well get it in now!)
Best moment this week? Totally non-baby related... but, going to Zack's graduation!
Miss anything?Being comfortable and fitting in my clothes.
Movement? Always.. she is a little spaz.
Food Cravings? Nothing really in particular... anything that I don't have to cook.
Anything making you feel sick? Just being hungry.
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Negative.
Symptoms: Just the back and rib pain.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Next week's appointment... just means that we are one step closer to meeting our baby girl!

On a completely unrelated side note, I want to mention how incredibly proud I am of my husband for graduating this weekend. I'm sure it was weird for him, especially since he hasn't really even been to the high school in about a year. Regardless, it was nice to see him recognized for all that he has done, thus far. 
We have truly accomplished so much together, just in the past year. And now, realizing that in just three short months we will have accomplished even more. Life is moving so fast, but I could not have asked for anything better. Things will certainly be hectic after the baby is born, but I am confident that we will be extremely successful in all that we plan to do!

Alright, alright... I'm done with the sappy, mushy-gushy stuff.

At 27 weeks, baby is about the size of a head of cauliflower

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