Thursday, August 15, 2013

34 weeks!

How far along? 34 weeks!
Total weight gain?  I haven't checked recently...
Maternity Clothes? Definitely!
Stretch Marks? No more than last week.
Sleep? Is uncomfortable, but she is still letting me sleep for the most part.
Best moment this week? Baby Showers, definitely!
Miss anything? Being able to easily bend over.
Movement? Oh yes. 
Food Cravings? Starting to lose my appetite again... weird.
Anything making you feel sick? Nope.
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Nothing other than contractions, here and there. Nothing alarming, just my body preparing itself for the real labor. :)
Symptoms: B-H Contractions, a little bit of swelling in my ankles, and severe leg pain!
Wedding rings on or off? On! 
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: My last baby shower and Maternity Pictures!

This past week has been very eventful and exciting! We got to spend time with lots of family on both Saturday and Sunday during my baby showers. It was so nice to see everyone, and of course stock up on stuff for our little lovey. Because our situation is a little different than normal, I wouldn't necessarily say that either of the showers were entirely traditional. Because of our upcoming move across the country, we did not register anywhere and mainly asked people for gift cards, so we didn't have to tote a whole bunch of baby stuff across the country. With the gift cards, we will be able to get everything that she needs while we are out there, making travelling much easier. Unfortunately, it took a lot of the fun out of baby gift shopping for everyone who came, so for that, I totally apologize! But, Zack and I appreciate the gift cards and little gifts more than any of you guys could imagine, and we are incredibly thankful. This little baby sure will be loved!

Next week we are having a home visit with Monica, where she comes to our house to check everything out and we discuss more specific details about the birth. I am really excited for this visit, because it means that we are just that much closer to her arrival. I mean, really... it's getting very close. Technically, it could be any day now. Not that I think it will be... I have the feeling that she is not going to want to make her appearance until after her due date. But I'm basically the only one who thinks that. Everyone else thinks I am going to go around  38 or 39 weeks, which I am totally okay with! We shall see... only time will tell! And, at the end of the day, it is ultimately up to this little munchkin when she wants to arrive.

I want to thank everyone, again, for all of the gifts, love, and support that Zack and I have received from you. We could not be more thankful, and excited for her to be born so we can show her off and share her with everybody! :)

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