Sunday, August 25, 2013

35 weeks!

So, I am a bit behind posting this, but I'm sure none of you are surprised by that at this point. This past week has been pretty laid back, which has been nice. Really, the most exciting part was when Monica came for our home visit the other day. It was really nice to have her over and to also meet Erin, the Nurse that works with her at all of her births. The visit went great... we did our usual check up and discussed what the general plan or idea for the birth was. We toured the house (what little of it there is to see...) and discussed where the tub was going to go, etc. Everything at the moment is on track. I have gotten most of the supplies that we are going to need, and the few that are left to get I am going to grab here within the next few days. It will feel really good to have everything finally all set and in place. Then, the only thing we are waiting on is baby girl!

How far along? 35 weeks!
Total weight gain?  About 35 pounds.
Maternity Clothes? Forrr sure.
Stretch Marks? None on the belly, but they are certainly very prominent on my legs!
Sleep? Hard to get to sleep, but once I'm sleeping, it's no problem.
Best moment this week? Home visit!
Miss anything? Bending, Squatting, Fitting in my shoes... etc.
Movement? Always... she is going to be a very active child. 
Food Cravings? Nothing specific, besides cereal.
Anything making you feel sick? Not really, besides the awful heartburn and acid reflex that I have been experiencing lately :(
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? B-H Contractions every day!
Symptoms: Ankles the size of softballs by the end of the day. The swelling is unreal.
Wedding rings on or off? On... hopefully I can keep them on for 4 more weeks!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Maternity Pictures in a few days! 

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