Saturday, July 27, 2013

Choosing a name for Baby Girl...

Because this question has been coming up a lot, recently, I thought that it would be a good idea to just address it on here, for anybody who has not yet been told in person.

Deciding on a name for our sweet girl has been a more than challenging task... to say the least. When we first found out that I was pregnant, it took us about a week to definitively decide on a boy's name, yet we were still struggling with girl's names. (Zack and I are both very picky, and unfortunately our styles do not always coincide.) And after we found out that she was in fact, a girl, I think it made the process just that much harder for us, unfortunately. 

At this point in time, we have narrowed it down to three names for her. I have decided against picking a name before she is born, because knowing myself all too well, I am afraid that I will change my mind after she is born and I see her beautiful little face. SO, for the sake of my family more than anyone, instead of calling her something for the next 2 months, and then changing it last minute, we are going to wait until she is born to make a final decision. I think it is better like that, anyway.

So, I do apologize to anybody who was hoping to know her name before she arrived, but since her mama and papa don't even know, I wouldn't expect anything until about 8 weeks from now. :)

Bird's eye view of the growing belly.
(Or better said, mama's view)

Love to all,
 Megan, Zack, and Baby Gallipeau ♥

31 weeks!

Alright guys, I am trying to catch up with these posts, again. The weeks just seem to be going by so fast lately, I can't fit everything in that I want/need to. But I'm trying, I promise!

Baby girl is getting SO big. To think about the actual size of a pineapple, and then realizing that something that big is actually inside of my body right now, is incredible. 

How far along? 31 weeks!
Total weight gain? Right around 25 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Yes, and lots of skirts!
Stretch Marks? None on the belly, yet!
Sleep? As much as humanly possible.
Best moment this week? Having all of my family members watch baby girl move.
Miss anything? Just being able to sit without pain :(
Movement? Always, my little acrobat.
Food Cravings? Milk, milk, and more milk.
Anything making you feel sick? Nothing besides feeling hungry.
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Nope!
Symptoms: Pain..... everywhere.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Meeting this sweet baby! 

I am officially to the point in this pregnancy where I have just about had enough... I am constantly sore, no matter what position I am in, and no matter what I do to try to relieve the pain. It is just really challenging being such a small person and having to grow an entire human inside of you. I try really hard to not be a giant complainer, but some days go better than others. It seems as though she is moving UP instead of moving DOWN like she really should be. Not saying that I necessarily want her to be born this soon, because I certainly want her to be as big and healthy as possible, but if she could just drop down a liiiiiittle bit, I would really enjoy these next 9 weeks a lot more.

I have a weird feeling (mother's intuition maybe?) that she is going to be born late. With how jam-packed in there she is, I have a feeling that she is going to want to stay nice and comfy in there for as long as she physically can... which is not good news for mama. On the other side of that, though, I don't think that my body will necessarily let her get very big inside of me, so I may luck out and have her right on time, or maybe even a week early. Here's hoping!

Life is really just moving along, day by day, with us... and going incredibly fast, might I add. I am really getting excited for baby girl's arrival and just being able to finally see her, meet her, hold her, and cuddle her all day long. As each day passes and my due date gets closer, I find myself getting more and more anxious. Crazily enough, it will be here before we know it...

Thursday, July 25, 2013

30 weeks!

Yay, we are finally 75% along. It is scary how fast everything seems to be moving, but I am very excited for the next ten weeks, that's for sure.
Having to deal with this heat wave that we had for the past almost two weeks was literally almost unbearable. I never really thought I would have a problem with the heat this summer because of how naturally cold of a person I am. Let me just say... I WAS WRONG. I couldn't handle it. It made me miserable and very grumpy when I really had no reason to be. I give props to the people that had to tolerate me through that. (Sorry, guys!)
We were very lucky, though, to be able to spend the majority of the hot, hot days at the cottage with my aunt and her family. The timing worked out perfectly, I must say. I spent a lot of time in the water, which is nothing less than amazing for my uncomfortable-ness, and it definitely helped with the heat, as well. We are so grateful that they were so willing to let us spend some time there. :)

How far along? 30weeks!
Total weight gain? Right around 25 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Oh yes.
Stretch Marks? Nada, except a few on my legs... weird.
Sleep? Loving it!
Best moment this week? Baby appointment with my mom & sissy!
Miss anything? Being comfortable, in general.
Movement? Constantly, still.
Food Cravings? Chocolate. 
Anything making you feel sick? I have gotten my appetite back, but I still get very nauseous if I am even the slightest big hungry.
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Nope!
Symptoms: Belly numbness and back pain. 
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Baby showers!

So yes, as I mentioned in the last post, at 30 weeks we started our bi-weekly baby appointments with Monica and for this particular one, Zack had to work. But since my mom and sister were in town, I thought that it would be a good idea to bring them along. Not only because I hate making that drive on my own, but because I thought that it would be important for them to meet Monica, especially to make them feel as comfortable as possible with this entire process. 
The appointment went great! We had a lot to talk about and everybody seems to be on the same page and comfortable with the birth plans. Now we are just awaiting baby girl's arrival.
We went over my blood work from the previous appointment, and all looked great, which was wonderful to hear! Monica did mention that she wanted me to go somewhere to get a quick untrasound pretty soon, just to verify the baby's positioning. She is positioned awfully weird in there, and in places she is pretty far back. We just want to make sure that all is in order for her arrival! So there should be updates on that soon, as well.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

29 weeks!

Ah, 29 weeks. It is such a wonderful sight to see how close I am to 30! Also, that means that I am once again caught up on posts! Yay! 

The belly just keeps on getting bigger and bigger! I love being able to watch the changes that my body is going through every single day. It's amazing the amount of things that the human body can do, really.

How far along? 29 weeks!
Total weight gain? We will find out in a few days..
Maternity Clothes? Yessum.
Stretch Marks? Nothing!
Sleep? I am still sleeping great, luckily.
Best moment this week? Planning the baby shower with my Grandma!
Miss anything? Being able to sit for long periods of time.
Movement? Always!
Food Cravings? Ben & Jerry's. 
Anything making you feel sick? Lately I have had no appetite... so the thought of food in general does not sit very well with me, unfortunately.
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Nope!
Symptoms: Belly numbness from her pushing my ribs out.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Baby appointment next week.

We have officially gotten to the point in this pregnancy where we are going to baby appointments every 2 weeks. It is crazy that we are already this far in... it seems like just last week that I was peeing on that little stick and finding out that I was just 6 weeks along. Amazing how fast time flies.
Our baby appointment is actually in just a few days, on Monday. No blood draws at this one... phew! Just a routine visit to check up on mama and baby to make sure she is growing appropriately and we will probably be going over my blood work results. Wish us luck!

As I mentioned above, yesterday, my grandma and I started planning for my baby shower, which is also very surreal. I can't believe that it is coming up so fast. We set a date and I created invitations that should be getting sent out very soon. :)

Happy Independence Day!

Happy 4th of July to everybody! 
(even though I am a week late posting this!)

I was very excited about this post, mainly because the 4th of July is the only major day that I get to celebrate  during this pregnancy. So I decided to be as festive as possible! :) 
*Note the Red, White, & Blue apparel that was purchased specifically for this holiday*

We had a wonderful 4th... we went to the farm and spent the day by the pool with family (including my mom and sister!). What more could I possibly ask for?

I hope everybody enjoyed their holiday!

28 weeks!

Well, once again.. I am behind on my posting. I have no excuse. I just can't keep up. 

That's right... 28 weeks means that I am finally in my third trimester! Aka: the home stretch!

How far along? 28 weeks!
Total weight gain? About 23 pounds!
Maternity Clothes? Almost always!
Stretch Marks? Not that I have noticed, yet.
Sleep? She is being such a good girl and still letting me sleep through the night. Amen for that!
Best moment this week? Baby appointment!
Miss anything? Being able to eat large meals without feeling like a stuffed sausage.
Movement? She is still moving constantly.
Food Cravings? Chocolate Chip Cookies!
Anything making you feel sick? Nothing besides an empty stomach in the morning.
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Nope!
Symptoms: Rib pain, what else!?
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Hitting that 30 week mark!

When we went to our 28 week baby appointment with Monica, everything went great. I am measuring perfectly, which means that baby girl is right where she needs to be! We did blood work to check for gestational diabetes.. which is never fun.. but everything went okay and I survived!

Nothing else too exciting has been happening lately... we are just taking life day by day and preparing for baby girl's arrival!

At 28 weeks, baby is the size of a Chinese Cabbage (?!)