Saturday, July 27, 2013

31 weeks!

Alright guys, I am trying to catch up with these posts, again. The weeks just seem to be going by so fast lately, I can't fit everything in that I want/need to. But I'm trying, I promise!

Baby girl is getting SO big. To think about the actual size of a pineapple, and then realizing that something that big is actually inside of my body right now, is incredible. 

How far along? 31 weeks!
Total weight gain? Right around 25 lbs.
Maternity Clothes? Yes, and lots of skirts!
Stretch Marks? None on the belly, yet!
Sleep? As much as humanly possible.
Best moment this week? Having all of my family members watch baby girl move.
Miss anything? Just being able to sit without pain :(
Movement? Always, my little acrobat.
Food Cravings? Milk, milk, and more milk.
Anything making you feel sick? Nothing besides feeling hungry.
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Nope!
Symptoms: Pain..... everywhere.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Meeting this sweet baby! 

I am officially to the point in this pregnancy where I have just about had enough... I am constantly sore, no matter what position I am in, and no matter what I do to try to relieve the pain. It is just really challenging being such a small person and having to grow an entire human inside of you. I try really hard to not be a giant complainer, but some days go better than others. It seems as though she is moving UP instead of moving DOWN like she really should be. Not saying that I necessarily want her to be born this soon, because I certainly want her to be as big and healthy as possible, but if she could just drop down a liiiiiittle bit, I would really enjoy these next 9 weeks a lot more.

I have a weird feeling (mother's intuition maybe?) that she is going to be born late. With how jam-packed in there she is, I have a feeling that she is going to want to stay nice and comfy in there for as long as she physically can... which is not good news for mama. On the other side of that, though, I don't think that my body will necessarily let her get very big inside of me, so I may luck out and have her right on time, or maybe even a week early. Here's hoping!

Life is really just moving along, day by day, with us... and going incredibly fast, might I add. I am really getting excited for baby girl's arrival and just being able to finally see her, meet her, hold her, and cuddle her all day long. As each day passes and my due date gets closer, I find myself getting more and more anxious. Crazily enough, it will be here before we know it...

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