Saturday, July 27, 2013

Choosing a name for Baby Girl...

Because this question has been coming up a lot, recently, I thought that it would be a good idea to just address it on here, for anybody who has not yet been told in person.

Deciding on a name for our sweet girl has been a more than challenging task... to say the least. When we first found out that I was pregnant, it took us about a week to definitively decide on a boy's name, yet we were still struggling with girl's names. (Zack and I are both very picky, and unfortunately our styles do not always coincide.) And after we found out that she was in fact, a girl, I think it made the process just that much harder for us, unfortunately. 

At this point in time, we have narrowed it down to three names for her. I have decided against picking a name before she is born, because knowing myself all too well, I am afraid that I will change my mind after she is born and I see her beautiful little face. SO, for the sake of my family more than anyone, instead of calling her something for the next 2 months, and then changing it last minute, we are going to wait until she is born to make a final decision. I think it is better like that, anyway.

So, I do apologize to anybody who was hoping to know her name before she arrived, but since her mama and papa don't even know, I wouldn't expect anything until about 8 weeks from now. :)

Bird's eye view of the growing belly.
(Or better said, mama's view)

Love to all,
 Megan, Zack, and Baby Gallipeau ♥

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