Thursday, July 11, 2013

29 weeks!

Ah, 29 weeks. It is such a wonderful sight to see how close I am to 30! Also, that means that I am once again caught up on posts! Yay! 

The belly just keeps on getting bigger and bigger! I love being able to watch the changes that my body is going through every single day. It's amazing the amount of things that the human body can do, really.

How far along? 29 weeks!
Total weight gain? We will find out in a few days..
Maternity Clothes? Yessum.
Stretch Marks? Nothing!
Sleep? I am still sleeping great, luckily.
Best moment this week? Planning the baby shower with my Grandma!
Miss anything? Being able to sit for long periods of time.
Movement? Always!
Food Cravings? Ben & Jerry's. 
Anything making you feel sick? Lately I have had no appetite... so the thought of food in general does not sit very well with me, unfortunately.
Gender? Baby GIRL!!!
Labor Signs? Nope!
Symptoms: Belly numbness from her pushing my ribs out.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Baby appointment next week.

We have officially gotten to the point in this pregnancy where we are going to baby appointments every 2 weeks. It is crazy that we are already this far in... it seems like just last week that I was peeing on that little stick and finding out that I was just 6 weeks along. Amazing how fast time flies.
Our baby appointment is actually in just a few days, on Monday. No blood draws at this one... phew! Just a routine visit to check up on mama and baby to make sure she is growing appropriately and we will probably be going over my blood work results. Wish us luck!

As I mentioned above, yesterday, my grandma and I started planning for my baby shower, which is also very surreal. I can't believe that it is coming up so fast. We set a date and I created invitations that should be getting sent out very soon. :)

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